While I wait on husband…

I’m planning on convincing my husband that Cheesecake Factory is an awesome place for lunch today, I hope it goes over well lol.

The other night I was online, minding my own business and I saw something move from the corner of my eye, I didn’t think much of it until I jumped up and dashed across my laptop keyboard and notice it was a BIG HUGE BROWN SPIDER. I screamed and my husband stopped playing his game so fast and came over to kill it. Then he gave me a big huge hug. I hate spiders and it’s so hard for me to adjust back to live in California with all these huge spiders when I’m use to the itty bitty ones in Florida. I mean, Florida had some HUGE and COLORFUL spiders, but I lived on the 3rd floor of my building and lucky for me they never ventured up that high. So the other night husband spent the whole night sleeping close. Which surprised me cause usually he’ll roll away and face the wall. Aww, he cares :).

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